Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Research: Anger Management

Managing Anger.
A lot of us get angry from time to time, after all anger is as much a part of our emotional make-up as love, hope anxiety, Sadness and fear. Anger that is controlled and expressed in a proper way can serve a useful purpose .for example anger can be productive if it boost one’s determination to overcome certain obstacles or problem while uncontrolled anger can be hurtful and destructive to the self and people around. 

Those with anger problem bring grief not only to their self but their loved ones and others around them. For someone with anger issues, even seemingly trivial matters can spark a violent outburst that rings tragic consequences.

This article addresses the issue of unhealthy anger which can be harmful emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

Why Anger?
There is a general agreement among mental health professionals that all of us react to certain “anger triggers”.

 What triggers anger in persons varies, it can be something frustrating or annoying e.g., injustice or unfairness, insults or disrespect etc. Reactions to anger also vary from person to person, culture, gender, and age. 

Other reasons that could trigger anger in persons are parental example, cramped cities, economic despair, influence of entertainment programs, and influence of wicked spirits among others.
Attitudes to Anger

Human beings react to angry situations in various ways such as;
1 Holding back, and keeping to self and withdrawing from anger-producing situations.
2 Turn angry feelings inward
3 Act out by attacking the source of the anger or some substitute
4 Face and deal directly with the source of the anger
5 Channel the anger into something positive.

Ways of Controlling Anger
Austrian Neurologist Sigmund Freud is of the reviews that if people bottled up or repressed negative emotions, they would later resurface as a psychological disorder such as hysteria. Thus he maintains that anger should be expressed rather than repressed.
Human anger can be controlled in the following ways;

1 Acknowledge the fact that you are angry
2 Restrain outburst , weigh the situations carefully instead of engaging in sinful verbal abuse
3 Avoid ruminating over issues and resist vengeance 
4 Forgiveness should be freely given
5 Love must be cultivated, this will make us overlook some cases of anger and deal with anger in           an honest, controlled and respected manner.

Management of Anger
Collins (2007) addressed this subject succinctly and his views form the bedrock of these solutions. The counselor, change agent or attitudinal change manager is advised to adopt the following procedures in the management of anger;

1.  Help the affected individual admit his anger
2.  Help the individual concerned express his anger in a healthy such sports exercise, listening to              soothing music, doing chores and repairs around the house
3.  Help the client identify the cause of his anger and how to prevent it
4   He should be encouraged to focus on humility, confession, and forgiveness
5.  Teach anger management strategies such as relaxation techniques and cognitive therapy.

The dangers inherent in the manifestation of temper tantrums and destructive anger are overwhelming. For this reason, we should pay special attention to this subject matter as we endeavour to change the orientation of members of the society and encourage them to cultivate and exhibit positive attitudes in all undertakings.  

Cynthia Dare
Research Assistant
For:Institute of Attitudinal Change Managers
Website: www.iacmng.org

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